
Friday 17 February 2012

Belated Intro to Us

Thought I better get an introduction written for anyone who doesn't know me, so Im Mamma J proud mamma of 4 crystal bubbas Mr 4, Miss 3, Mr almost 2 and our Little Miss who is about to hit 3 mths and I'm married to Pappa B my fantastic supportive husband.
This is my diary of our journey into a gentle more natural life.
Learning, Living and Loving together :)
What I post here are just my personal opinions and in no way do I claim to be an expert in anything but wanted to blog our journey for us and to possibly inspire others along the way.
I have a very busy life as you can imagine with 4 bubbas so close in age and right now my Pappa B is part owner of a garden maintenance business which there in the process of selling so he can work in the mines so we can live our dream and move to the south coast of NSW buy a big property and get back to basics and we cannot wait. So this is our main focus at the moment and although in the beginning I wasn't sure Id be happy with the FIFO(fly in fly out) lifestyle we had a good think weighed up the pros and cons and worked out even though it will be hard for both of us while he is away we will still be spending more time together than we do now it will just be split up of course.

And if I'm trying to find positives "Imagine all the sewing Ill be able to do of a night while Pappa B is away "

Life is too short to just wait, were making our dreams come true

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